Elemental Functions

keystone regenerative leadership

Personal Regenerative Coaching

'Regenerative' is more than farming

Regenerative design principles are best known for being applied to farming, but there is an exciting emerging world of regenerative business, regenerative leadership and regenerative living. 

‘Regenerative’ is a paradigm that applies living systems principles (regenerative principles) to anything in life: how you live, how you design and run a business, and how we design our homes, cities, and cultures.

Regenerative Leadership


Caroline delivers personal regenerative coaching that starts with building your unique fundamental elemental principles of living a balanced and healthy life, working on identifying your unique purpose, and developing wholeness. 

Through a process of learning, reflective work and coaching, layer by layer, you will be led through a process of developing your unique professional context and regenerative work practices. You will uncover what type of leader you wish to become and what positive impact you want to make in the world, then design the unique regenerative life you are meant to lead.

Regenerative personal coaching is delivered in one-on-one online private coaching sessions with follow-up online self-led learning resources. All information is kept completely confidential. Caroline offers a sacred, safe space to share, vision, and grow into the unique leader you are born to be. Small group coaching options are available on request. 

Private regenerative coaching can be adapted to your budget by staggering the frequency of coaching sessions. Please get in touch to have a free consultation so we can see if our private coaching is a good fit for you. 




Becoming a regenerative leader requires much more than a two-day training workshop. It’s actually about finding our soul purpose, identifying our core values and then living in integrity with them. 

Regenerative leadership is about being resilient, adaptive and effective. It’s about optimising your energy, health and relationships so you can show up consistently, bringing your whole integrated best self to the world.

Our narrow outdated definition of success is not future fit for a regenerating planet and society. We need a new vision for success and regenerative entrepreneurship where ‘success’ will be unique to each of us – a context developed through self-inquiry and deep work.

Regenerative leadership

Private regenerative coaching can be adapted to your budget by staggering the frequency of coaching sessions.

Please contact us for a free consultation so we can determine whether our private coaching is a good fit for you. 

Personal Regenerative Coaching

Professionals or individuals in food and farming who have been working with regenerative principles and want to take their work to the next level.

Available ongoing from November.

Who; Caroline Grindrod 

Where; Remote online sessions are arranged to suit your timetable.

Regenerative leadership


£65 per session plus VAT. Recommend a minimum of 10 sessions. Pay as you go, or get in touch for a discounted bundle.

More information?
Email FAO Caroline info@rootsofnature.co.uk