Roots of Nature organises and amplifies the positive impact of regenerative agriculture at the grassroots level. Nature and how energy flows through an ecosystem is the template for our business structure. We work with this model at the following three levels:
Elemental Functions
Like the energy pyramid in natural systems, all of the energy for the whole system is produced by photosynthesising plants. In regenerative agriculture, we seek to increase primary production. Our organisation amplifies this positive impact by offering regenerative training and coaching farmers to successfully transition to regenerative agriculture.
If you are a farmer and would like bespoke consultancy support please get in touch as we can arrange a combination of online training, consultancy and coaching to support the development of your transition to regenerative agriculture.
We have three main routes for training;
1. Roots to Regeneration
Regenerative Agriculture Training Program
Join Roots to Regeneration (R2R), a year-long training program led by Caroline Grindrod and Clare Hill. Transition from conventional to regenerative farming through farm stays, online courses, expert discussions, and personal mentoring. Ideal for farmers and agri-professionals. Gain knowledge, skills, and a supportive community.
Learn more: Roots to Regeneration – Regenerative Agriculture Training Program

2. Wilderculture
Wilderculture is more relevant for large upland farms and estates in the UK and Europe. In these marginal landscapes where the steep or infertile ground, a mosaic of habitats and strong cultural heritage create a level of complexity that requires bespoke regenerative design and integration of specialist knowledge.
The course covers regenerative principles and gives you the resources to design a ‘whole system’ management plan. The Wilderculture approach is more in-depth, and after you have finished the training, you may need to commit time to its development using our online step by step tools as your guide. You will get free access to our weekly coaching clinic and, if required, can hire one of our consultancy team to support your design development.
The Wilderculture approach is ideal for those taking over a new farm or estate where you are willing to think about your 200-year vision and legacy.
Visit the web site.
3. Grazing School
Grazing school is an introduction to regenerative grazing for any size farm that is looking to improve its existing grazing system. We run a grazing school with James and Helen Rebanks at their beautiful farm in the Lake District, and this offering includes a great example of regenerative grazing with sheep.
At the end of the two days, you’ll have the tools you need to start developing your own grazing plan and can access our free weekly clinic to ask questions and find support.

Living Organisation
In nature’s dynamic networks, life thrives, and the system is ‘productive’ in a way that is entirely self-organising and holistic – the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.
Regenerative business uses living systems as a metaphor instead of the machine. The interest in regenerative business is taking off due to the inability of more rigid hierarchical traditional business models to adapt to our volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous times.
Roots of Nature supports the emergence of regenerative business models for food and farming in two main ways.

4. Primal Meats
In partnership with Primal Meats we are exploring what a truly regenerative food company could look like when regeneration is an intrinsic part of the bottom line.
Primal Meats does more than just source regenerative – it actively engages new suppliers and helps them to transition to regenerative agriculture.
5. Regenerative Agriculture for Food Brands
In Partnership with FAI farms and others the roots of nature team are designing and delivering regenerative agriculture projects for large food companies.
We believe large scale adoption of regenerative agriculture is essential if we are to achieve climate goals and nutrition security.
Regenerative agriculture offers big brands an impactful tool and opportunity to achieve ambitious climate goals and create resilience in their supply chains. Transitioning supply chains however includes unique challenges not faced by individual farmers.
We offer bespoke packages for food companies exploring regenerative agriculture. We can offer support and advice, train key professionals, co-design and support the delivery of regenerative networks and transition projects for food companies and their suppliers.
Please email Caroline at if you would like to discuss options.

Keystone Leadership
A keystone species can send trophic cascades of positive synergies through an ecosystem with no need for domination or command and control structures. Their presence changes the other species’ behaviour and rebalances their impact on the ecology.

6. Key Stone Regenerative Leadership
Entrepreneurs and business leaders are the most driven and impactful people in society. Unfortunately our traditional exploitative models of business mean that the more successful a business is the more harm they inflict on the planet.
The opposite is true of regenerative keystone leaders and their businesses.
Keystone regenerative leaders can positively influence the ecology of their business and society in ways that are nodal and emergent – achieving results far greater than the sum of their individual actions.
If we can inspire a new generation of regenerative leaders and entrepreneurs to do the deep work of becoming whole and leading from an authentic place of integrity in service to people and planet, then we stand a chance of tipping society onto a different path. A course of healing and regeneration.
We are developing a membership and coaching program to support people working in food and farming who are being called to step beyond the current paradigm. Please sign up if you would like more information.