
Catalysing the food and farming industry’s shift to regenerative agriculture.


Regenerative agriculture training program

Roots to Regeneration (R2R)  is a two-year-long experiential regenerative agriculture training program pioneered by Caroline Grindrod and Clare Hill. Its primary aim is to facilitate a ‘whole system’ regenerative shift across the food and farming industry.

R2R is aimed at both farmers and professionals to give a deep and wide learning experience grounded in farm-based examples and embedded in a supportive regenerative community and culture. 

This transformative journey includes a supported, regenerative design process, on-farm experiences, engaging online learning, live sessions with guest experts, fortnightly coaching calls, and expert support. 



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More Information, Free Training, Bursary Offers.

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What is the problem ?

Our food and farming systems are in trouble. We are suffering from the perfect storm of complex and interconnected issues that are compounding and amplifying each other, leading to a so-called poly-crisis. This could lead to, at best, significant disruption and at worst a catastrophic collapse of the entire system.

We are responding to this situation by doubling down on the mechanistic 20th-century logic and linear thinking that led to this predicament. 

However, people, farms, organisations, supply chains and the climate are complex systems that require a different response. A ‘future fit’ food and farming system must be based on living systems logic, designed with regenerative principles, and managed by systems thinkers.


Climate Change

Agriculture is both a victim and a contributor to climate change. Changing weather patterns, extreme weather events, and increased temperatures affect crop yields, water availability, and food security. At the same time, conventional agricultural practices release significant amounts of greenhouse gases and degrade soil, leading to desertification, drought, floods and more CO2 in the atmosphere.

Biodiversity Loss

Intensive agricultural practices have led to habitat destruction, soil degradation, and loss of biodiversity. The reduction in plant and animal species has negative impacts on ecosystem services such as pollination, soil fertility, and pest control, leading to further stress on food systems.


Supply Chain Fragility

The food sector operates on complicated and often fragile supply chains that are susceptible to disruptions, as evidenced by the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. The dependence on monocultures, long transportation routes, and just-in-time delivery systems has exposed a highly vulnerable food supply system.

Unsustainable Agricultural Practices

Current agricultural methods are predominantly extractive and unsustainable, resulting in soil erosion, nutrient depletion, and chemical pollution. These practices are not only environmentally damaging but also economically and socially unsustainable in the long run.

Roots to regeneration
A Hopeful Future

What is the Solution

The R2R program is designed to support the transition of our food and farming system at the ‘whole system’ level to regenerative agriculture. By working with both farmers and industry professionals, we catalyse critical nodes in the system to create exponential positive change.  

Our program is designed to work on multiple levels at once, synergising into a deep understanding of regenerative agriculture and facilitating the necessary mindset shift toward systems thinking so it can be implemented successfully.

We take the farmers and industry professionals through a regenerative design and implementation process. This sets up our R2R farmers for the best chance of success and offers a metaphor for teaching our industry professionals the regenerative principles of living systems so they can apply them to their businesses or become successful regenerative leaders. 


Do you know what Regeneration Agriculture is?

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What is Regeneration Agriculture


Benefits & Outcomes

The R2R program offers a wealth of benefits that equip participants with the knowledge, skills, and support necessary for a successful, rapid and sustainable transition to regenerative agriculture:

Accelerated Transition

Personalised Support

Enhanced Regenerative Knowledge

Comprehensive Planning

Increased Resilience and Adaptability

Positive Environmental and Social Impact

Regenerative Context Development

Potential Funding Opportunities

Access to Expertise

Improved Farm Operations

Training Program

How our Regeneration Agriculture Training is Delivered

The R2R program is structured over a period of two years, providing ample time for participants to immerse themselves in the course content, apply learnings on their farms, and integrate regenerative principles and practices into their daily operations. 

The first year will include most of the structured learning and site based visits. Year two will continue to embed learnings, build a supportive community and offer the chance for some one to one tailored support and deeper engagement with your peers. 

The next round of the R2R program is scheduled to begin in February 2025, allowing participants time to prepare and plan for their involvement.

Receive a detailed course prospectus, as well as updates about our upcoming free webinars.


18th – 20th February 2025

Immersive Introduction

Begin your regenerative transition with a 3-day, 2-night immersive stay. Here, you’ll meet your cohort and get a foundational overview of the program.


Key Milestones at Renowned Conferences

Celebrate our key milestones and catch up with your peers at Groundswell, Carbon Calling and Oxford Real Farming Conference. 


6-8 days in Person

Hands-on Farm-Based Training

  • Planton Farm in Shropshire: 3rd- 5th June 2025.
  • Gowbarrow Farm in Cumbria: dates to be confirmed (Sept/Oct)
  • Brewood Park Farm Staffordshire: dates to be confirmed (Sept/Oct)

Self-paced and virtual

Interactive Online Learning

Delve into five self-paced, multimedia-rich online courses designed to deepen your understanding and sharpen your skills.


1.5 hours every fortnight

Regular Group Coaching

Benefit from regular, in-depth engagement during fortnightly Zoom learning and coaching calls, ensuring you stay on track and resolve any emerging challenges.

Self-paced virtual

Community Engagement

Tap into the collective intelligence and camaraderie of the R2R community, sharing resources and seeking insights via a dedicated engagement platform.


Within the 1.5 Hours every fortnight

Expert Sessions

Stay updated and inspired with live online training sessions led by industry-leading experts in regenerative agriculture.


Peer-to-peer support and learning

Professionals will ‘buddy’ up with a farmer to walk through the design of the regenerative context and implementation of the regenerative principles and practices.


Access forever to online resources

A Living Library of Technical Information

Deep technical self-led learning, and a regularly updated ‘living library’ of resources on the soil, plant, animal, and climate systems.

For farmers and  professionals

Who’s it for?

There are two primary ‘roots’ to Regeneration:

1) The Farmer Root and 2) The Professional Root.

All participants will follow the program together and are welcome to join all sessions to create their unique adaptive learning pathway. 

Each ‘root’ will have specific focus sessions, guest experts and online content that are more relevant and required as part of their tailored program. 

An example is the deeper technical content on the soil, plant, and animal systems is optional for professionals but required for farmers. Similarly, the regenerative leadership and design principles are optional for farmers but required for professionals.

Core Topics

Core Topics Covered by the R2R Program

Explore our FAQs for answers to your questions about about our services, booking process, and more.

Introducing how we can enhance the elemental conditions for primary production and the tools we have available to regenerate our farm ecosystem. An introduction ‘whole system function’ and how we leverage complexity to reduce inputs and slash costs.

Being a successful regenerative farmer requires you to be able to solve multi-dimensional complex problems and address the root causes. We give you tech tools and teach you ways to become a systems thinker and solve problems so they don’t re-occur.

A regenerative farm is as unique as a fingerprint of people and place. We go through a detailed process of scoping the unique opportunities and challenges your landscape and lives present so we can co-create the most optimal regenerative, resilient business and management plan for your farm.

We take a ‘whole system’ approach to the health of your livestock and explore how we can design a genetic selection strategy to minimise problems. We go through your current veterinary health plan and find ways to be more proactive so we can prevent disease rather than require the use of harmful cures that damage the ecosystem.

Building on the whole system function training and applying your systems thinking skills, you will brainstorm how your management may be leading to dominant problem species (weeds, pests and disease) and might be causing a lack of resilience in your system. You will then design a proactive plan to change the management to enhance the conditions for missing species and reduce the conditions for problem organisms.

We do a deep dive into the principles of regenerative grazing, including infrastructure considerations and optimising livestock production and health. You will then co-develop your first summer and winter grazing plans in a workshop setting and be given the tools and resources to develop your own plans in the future.

Over several sessions concluding a comprehensive online resource we will do a deep dive into the soil, covering the physical, chemical and biological aspects of soil health. We look at optimal nutrient management strategies and ways of reducing artificial fertility inputs without losing production.

We explore how to put pressure on your herd or flock to highlight opportunities to select the animals with the best ‘fit’ for your unique context. We create strategies that will get you there without compromising your profitability or welfare ethics.

We introduce an overview of the many composting or fermentation options that could help accelerate soil and ecosystem regeneration.

Herbal leys can be a great tool in the regenerative toolbox, but for some livestock options, there may be cheaper and better options for creating productive, diverse awards. We give you the options.

On a regenerative farm, we want to create complexity so our ecosystem and income streams are resilient. When starting out, however, adding complexity to an already huge change could cause overwhelm and failure. We teach you smart strategies for adding new enterprises without burnout.

Many regenerative programs focus on soil and plant productivity, but managing our livestock optimally is another way we can optimise productivity, guarantee high welfare and create a safer working environment. We look at herd structure, weaning, and low-stress livestock handling.

We cover some examples of how arable farmers are working with regenerative principles. Our main focus is on optimising plant health so that the plant can drive soil regeneration and is nutrient-dense to become resistant to pests and disease and make the perfect health-promoting food for humans or animals.

We explore the principles of regenerative financial planning and look at the main funding opportunities for regenerative farmers including natural capital options and de-risked bank loan options.

You can not say you are a ‘regenerative’ farmer unless you prove you are regenerating your system. Every context will have a slightly different way of measuring these changes depending on the market they are supplying or the story they want to tell. We introduce you to the options and help you develop a suite of baseline measures that inform management as well as capture the regenerative outcomes.

R2R Team

Your Guides to Regeneration

Our team is composed of seasoned experts in regenerative agriculture, leadership training, business development, and operational management. Each brings unique skills to ensure the success of the R2R program.
Clare and Caroline are the co-founders of R2R and lead the program delivery. 

Caroline Grindrod

Director & Regenerative Agriculture Consultant


Caroline Grindrod, Director of Award Winning agricultural educator Roots of Nature LTD, is an experienced Regenerative Agriculture Consultant and Coach. As the founder of Wilderculture CIC, she is well-versed in regenerative design and agroecology. In the R2R program, Caroline oversees development, leads research, and heads the accelerator transition for upland farms. She also offers regenerative expertise to enhance technology and promote a ‘second tier’ business culture.

Clare Hill

Co-founder & Lead Trainer in Regenerative Agriculture


Clare Hill, Co-founder of Planton Farm plays a pivotal role in shaping the vision and strategy of the R2R initiative. With her profound expertise in regenerative agriculture, she stands as a lead trainer for the program, ensuring participants receive in-depth and practical insights. Specifically, Clare is at the forefront of delivering the accelerator transition segment of R2R, focusing on the non-upland context. Her deep-rooted knowledge and hands-on experience in farm transition make her a valuable asset to the R2R program.


Guest Expert
We have several guest mentors who will be involved in the delivery of the R2R program, and here are just a few.

Joel Williams

Integrated Soils

Claire Whittle

Regenerative Vet

Tim Parton

Green Farm Collective

Nikki Yoxall

Regenerative farmer

Russ Carrington

Regenerative Mentor

Silas Hedley-Lawrence

Farm Manager – FAI

Charlie Davis


Rob Havard

Phepson Angus

Annie Rayner

Planton Farm

Niels Corfield

Regenerative agriculture consultant

Sam & Claire Beaumont

Regenerative Farmers

James Daniel

Agricultural advisor and speaker

Tim Coates

Regenerative Farmer

Coming soon

Watch this space for more upcoming leaders in regenerative agriculture.

Coming soon

Watch this space for more upcoming leaders in regenerative agriculture.
Participant Reviews
Our Team

Join now for £9,979 plus VAT

Bursary places available.

Our program offers a transformative and comprehensive experience. We are confident that the majority of farmers will quickly recognise the return on their investment in both time and finances. Payment Plans Available.

Due to the kind support of several funders we are able to offer several bursary places at a 50% discount. If finances pose a challenge for you, please let us now in your Consultation Call so we can explore available options.


This program is deeper and broader than any other regenerative agriculture training program on the market. It is not for everybody, and to fully benefit from it, you must have an open mind, the capacity to undertake comprehensive online training, and the flexibility to attend in-person events.

Potential candidates will be required to undertake an in-depth interview with Clare or Caroline to ensure you are a good fit for the program before you commit.


Are you a good fit for R2R

More Information and free training offerings

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Office Hours
Mon-Fri 7:00am to 5:00pm (as well by appointment)
Oaks Farmhouse, Loughrigg, Ambleside. Cumbria.
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