Primal Meats

Primal Meats

Primal Meats is an emerging regenerative company that I founded in 2017. The company’s main aim is to ‘regenerate your health; regenerate the planet.


At Primal meats we aim to support citizens to regenerate their health. Powered by our customers’ support we leverage our influence and expertise to transition farmers towards regenerative agriculture to restore the earth’s ecosystem processes. 


At primal meats we are unique, our management are farmers and regenerators with a track record of food sustainability. 


Rather than replicating the centralised meat business model we have designed a nodal hub model that means the meat travels not the livestock. Our decentralised farmer networks work regionally in a way appropriate to their unique collective situation. We train each supplying farm trained in regenerative agriculture principles and monitors their contribution to increasing the effectiveness of the ecosystem process including improving soil health. 


We are focused on supporting citizens who are in need of health regeneration and are seeking gut-healing nutrient-dense foods. Through learning and supportive offerings, we hope to create a passionate band of regenerative advocates who can further spread the message of hope that regenerative agriculture brings. 


Take a look at Primal Meats 


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